PROKEYCOACH at S.M.A.R.T Confluence


This event takes place every year in Martigny.

PROKEYCOACH at S.M.A.R.T Confluence

This year's event will take place from September 29 to October 8, 2023, and will be a great opportunity to meet and exchange ideas.

Prokeycoach will be on hand to present its latest innovations in sports coaching.

This will be an opportunity to officially present our latest application: SportType.

As you know, Prokeycoach is a pioneer in the analysis and use of your motor preferences to rapidly improve your sporting performance.

But this time, the team has gone one step further!

Innovate, Inspire, Impact - that's what Prokeycoach is doing with a new web app: SportTypes.

For the very first time, thanks to SportTypes, you'll be able to determine your own sports profile.

You'll be able to discover your motor preferences and adapt your training to your profile.

Prokeycoach gives you the keys to a better understanding of your body: what are its strengths, what are its weaknesses....

This will enable you to optimize your performance and results, improve your recovery and avoid injury.

It will also give you a precise idea of your cognitive preferences. Yes, your brain has habits too! And knowing them will help you improve.

Of course, there's no substitute for a one-to-one discussion with a profiling coach.

But with SportTypes, thanks to easy psychomotor tests, you'll have a precise idea of what kind of player you really are!

Ready to find out the truth about your game?

Then we'll see you at the Foire du Valais on October 5, 2023.

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